Some interesting content from the May 2019 newsletter

UA Institute for Energy Solutions logo

June 7th
10 AM - Noon

Indige-FEWSS mobile water purification unit demonstration

Dr. Karletta Chief, Navajo Nation President, Jonathan Nez, Diné College President, Dr. Charles Roessel, and Diné College Students and Indige-FEWSS fellows will discuss and demo the water purification unit at Diné College, Tsaile Campus.

Water Purification UA

Imagine Adaptation | Finding Solutions fo the Food, Energy, Water, Nexus January 2019, British film company-One World Network, gathered UA researchers and community delegates to answer the question "What is being done to address the big issues at the energy, water, food nexus that will secure our world as we know it for the future?" Out of this exploratory emerged a documentary which takes a look at the many branches of UA's collaborative E-W-F research. We invite you to watch this exciting new video!